Pathogen-induced pH changes regulate the growth-defense balance in plants

Soil-borne vascular pathogens, like Fusarium oxysporum, attack virtually all crops and many natural ecosystems on Earth. A recent "EMBO Journal" manuscript by the Sánchez-Rodríguez group sheds light on the influence of pH on plant growth-defense balance.
D-Biol News: Whole-genome miRNA activity at single cell-type resolution

How microRNA activity is spatially coordinated within and across the various cell types of an intact organ had not been elucidated in any species to date. Publishing in the EMBO Journal, the Voinnet team has now addressed this challenging issue in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana.
Molecular processes in iron and zinc homeostasis and their modulation for biofortification in rice

More than a billion people suffer from iron or zinc deficiencies globally. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) iron and zinc biofortification; i.e., intrinsic iron and zinc enrichment of rice grains, is considered the most effective way to tackle these deficiencies.