When everything changes at once: finding a new normal after genome duplication
Genome duplication results in substantial changes to the cell biology and physiology of plants. One of the most common changes in neopolyploids is an increase in cell size. This has important implications for growth, fitness and stress resilience in neopolyploids. But is an increase in cell size a challenge or an opportunity? This literature review suggests that probably both are true, and discusses how polyploids can evolve a “new normal” through extensive physiological retuning.
Naturally evolved alleles of two proteins affect meiotic traits in a polyploid
Polyploids arise from genome duplication. They are important in agriculture and natural evolution, yet face challenges when they first form. A recent paper in PNAS from the Bomblies group sheds new light on naturally evolved genetic changes that likely helped a natural polyploid persist.
Inaugural lecture of Prof Kirsten Bomblies
On Monday, February 17 2020, Prof Kirsten Bomblies gave her inaugural lecture entitled “How chromosomes learn to partner up and dance in stressful situations”.