Prof. Kirsten Bomblies received a "Golden Owl" award

Every year at ETH, the Golden Owl flutters in to recognise one professor or lecturer per department for excellence in, and dedication to, teaching. The awardees are selected by the students of ETH in each department via the student organisation VSETH. The award is then announced at the annual ETH day by the student who is president of VSETH (currently Emir İşman).


This year, the 2022 Golden Owl awardee selected by the D-BIOL students was Prof. Kirsten Bomblies. She is delighted and feels honoured to be among those recognised. Teaching is for her one of the most meaningful parts of her work, and she thanks the D-BIOL students for this wonderful feedback!

Funny slide show of all the 2022 winners. Watch how the golden owl flutters through the photos: external page Youtube


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