Congratulations! Adrian won an ETH Career Seed Award

Dr Adrian Gonzalo Sanchez received funding for his project «High-throughput quantification of aneuploidy in plants». Career Seed Awards are intended to promote the establishment of a record of independent research at the postdoctoral level to facilitate the challenging transition to a successful future academic or industrial career.
Poster session / block course students

The students of this year's block course presented their posters on Wednesday, November 29 2023. This was the final output from all the hard work they did during the training. Our team gave them critical feedback and acknowledged their great efforts.
New royalty in our midst

The rainbow lights sparkled bright on September 23 2023 during the Heaven Drag Race in Zurich’s Neumarkt Theater, in the course of which seven extravagant drag queen talents competed to win the crown of Miss Heaven 2023.
Group retreat 2023

From 29.08.-01.09.2023, the Bomblies group went on their third retreat to the Husky-Lodge in Muotathal. This year, we focused on grant writing and block course designs. There were also some amazing presentations from the team and a guest speaker.
Congratulations! Vera won a Poster Award!

Vera has been invited to attend the 2023 Meeting of Photosynthesis, a highly prestigious confernce, which was held in Newry (USA).
Engineered meiosis to stabilize new polyploids in PNAS

Polyploidy can be advantageous in the long run (many crops are polyploid), but it often involves immediate negative consequences, such as unfaithful chromosome segregation during meiosis. Is there any way we can alleviate these undesired effects in newly generated polyploids?
Congratulations! ETH awarded Anis a PostDoc Fellowship Grant

This year, Dr Anis Meschichi is awarded the ETH post-doctoral fellowship grant for the project PolyChromPaint (Polyploidy Chromatin and OligoPAINT).
Congratulations! SNSF awarded Thanvi a PostDoc Fellowship Grant

Dr Thanvi Srikant has been awarded a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation for studying how chromatin architecture can affect genome stability during polyploid evolution. She was among the 90 successful candidates from 531 applications.
Winter Event 2022 / 2023

On January 27 2023, the Bomblies Group went to the Restaurant Ziegelhütte in Zurich Schwammendingen for bowling and an excellent dinner.
Talk of Adrian Gonzalo Sanchez during the PAG conference in San Diego

From January 13 to 18 2023, the International Plant & Animal Genome Conference took place in the San Diego Convention Center in California.